Next meeting will be Tuesday, February 11, 2025.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Our program presents Bob Feeney from the Fallbrook Music Society!
RSVP Deadline February 7, 2025.
Please RSVP to Lin Adair at (310) 613-3554 or [email protected]
Lunches are $15 per person.
Hostesses: Lin Adair, Kathleen Gerard, Sharon Jensen
Servers: Paula LaFlamme, Phyllis Sweeney, Carmen Willard, Pauline Williams, Sharon Drucker
Table Decorations: Diane Jansen
Cleanup: TBD
Social Time: 9:30 am
Meeting Starts At: 10:00 am
Lunch Time: ~11:30
Dress in pink and/or red to put love into the air!