About Us


The Fallbrook Woman's Club (FWC) is a community service organization which provides the opportunity to develop leadership skills, exchange ideas and form friendships, while addressing the needs of our community.

The FWC is a member of the California Federations Women’s Clubs and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs International. Its goal is to encourage women to improve their community, state and nation through volunteering their time, talents and interests.

We are a group of like-minded women of all ages who gather for philanthropic endeavors and good old fashion fun. 

Meeting dates and times are subject to change. Please check the Events page for updates.

General Meetings

Second Tuesday of each month
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
(dark July - August)

Board Meetings

First Monday of each month
9:30 a.m. - 12 noon
(dark July - August)

Meetings are held at our clubhouse at 238 West Mission Avenue in Fallbrook

Here are some of the other events for members throughout the month:

Learn MoreOn our events page

Mahjong & Other Games

Come join us for a variety of games, Mah Jong included. There is no charge to play; just bring 4 quarters if playing Mah Jong. BYOL – Lunch. For more info, contact Alice LaBonte-Hsu at [email protected] or (760) 645-0880.

Book Club

“Curious minds want to know” and members select a variety of books to read each month (one per month) that always provides for fun and lively discussions. If you choose, bring your lunch and enjoy further conversation with the Writing Club that meets at noon.

Writing Group

Members choose different subjects to write about and to share with the group each month. Listening and learning more about your friends makes your experience as a club member even more special. Bring a lunch and enjoy the conversation!

Galloping Gourmet

Once a month, we gather at a local restaurant to socialize, laugh, and eat a leisurely lunch. The organizer of the month gets to choose the venue. Separate tabs are provided.